PeerLogix, Inc. (OTC: LOGX), the go-to audience discovery platform for the OTT/streaming TV landscape, today released data that illustrated the significant lift in streaming views provided to the library of Marvel MCU titles available across OTT networks by the April 25 theatrical release of release of Avengers: Endgame.
The OTT data company reports that in the seven-day period beginning with the 4/25 release, there was a combined daily average of 1,374,720 streams of all available Marvel MCU titles, a 131% increase from the 593,340 combined daily average from the seven-day period leading up the release. For the months of February and March the combined daily streams of the same catalogue of titles had been 488,630 and 512,400, respectively.
PeerLogix is the recognized leader in the OTT data space. With its patented streaming observation technology sitting directly ‘in the viewing stream,’ PeerLogix tracks viewership data of more than 50,000 premium TV shows and movies across more than 180 million households as streamed on virtually all of the mid and long tail OTT networks.
“Hollywood has always known that one of the real economic values of releasing a sequel (or any iterative chapter) in a well-received franchise is the ‘ripple affect’ that it will have in sparking interest in the earlier releases in the series,” explains PeerLogix Founder, William Gorfein. “This interest can often be measured in real economic terms by quantifying actual dollars generated by the sale or rental of the original title in formats like DVDs, BluRay or digital files. But today’s increasingly OTT/streaming driven entertainment landscape calls for new ways to measure (and therefore predict) this economic ripple effect.”
PeerLogix CEO, Ray Colwell, adds, “Realtime access to this kind of streaming data is extremely valuable in understanding the true economic ripple effect of a new release in a franchise as it allows for a more complete and reunified picture of affected viewing behaviors.”
Data Summary:
1. In the month of February, there was a combined daily average of 488,630 streams of all available Marvel MCU titles
2. In the month of March, there was a combined daily average of 512,400 streams of all available Marvel MCU titles.
3. In the week preceding the 4/25 release, there was a combined daily average of 593,340 streams of all available Marvel MCU titles.
4. In the seven day period beginning with the 4/25 release, there was a combined daily average of 1,374,720 streams of all available Marvel MCU titles.

About PeerLogix PEERLOGIX is the go-to audience discovery platform for those advertisers hoping to make sense of the evolving OTT/streaming TV ecosystem. With a library of over 4 years of streaming video data and powered by a patent pending technology platform that collects and catalogs real-time OTT data – leveraging both licensed and publicly available databases to provide insights into consumer preferences - PEERLOGIX is able to provide the entire spectrum of ‘cord cutters’ as targeted advertising audiences as well as customizable access to a unique and comprehensive OTT data set. www.peerlogix.com